child of the light


child of the light

i had tried to paint an elf but had messed up (you can still see the big red X i pasted across his face when i gave up) instead of leaving it there, i slapped more paint over it and added a healthy dose of pen scribbles. I kind of like how it turned out. I am slowly but surely conquering my fear of watercolors

3 thoughts on “child of the light

  1. I had the privilege to be there to witness the transformation of that empty white canvas into a mixture of colors, into what seems to be nothing but nebulous color mass into a few lines of yellow that transform into a few figure. The best was that nothing was plan, everything arose as it came.

    Having had the pleasure to see true art in motion leave a lot to desire, to see it once more, to wonder if great artist did there magnificent works from the soul, from the moment.

    Very good day in all and very amazing experience

    • you forget that this was on a beat up side of sketchbook paper, and wasn’t “pure white” all of those scribbles and color splats where used to cover up a failed drawing. True art? what is true art? don’t we have a hard enough time trying to figure out what art is with out it being true? its just scribbles dude

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